Mat Grumpy Tech

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United Kingdon

84 posts

Setting up a recursive DNS server.

Before you continue please consider clicking on one of the horrible ads. I know they are a pain but they help me pay for the hosting…

Mat Grumpy Tech

Linux: Adding Firewall exceptions in CentOS 7


My work in Linux is infrequent enough that I often forget the most basic things. Lucky once I get started the learning curve is pretty quick.…

Mat Grumpy Tech

Site-to-site VPN standards


Something a little different from my usual content for you today. Site-to-site VPN's and more specifically IPSEC tunnels. Chances are you have a few…

Mat Grumpy Tech

PowerShell, Azure : Access Azure AD via CLI with MFA

#Azure #Office365 #PowerShell

A pretty simple one but something that seems to stump a lot of people. Much of the guidance around connecting to Azure AD suggests you do…

Mat Grumpy Tech